Our services

– How much does paving cost 1 sq.m, paving price per m2 with material, paving price, paving price per m2?

– Very frequently asked questions from our customers that we receive daily; - there is no fixed cost of road repair, because work of this kind is a complex technical project that depends on many factors.

MOSTOVSKY employees have extensive experience in asphalting and repairing road damage. This service implies a significant change in the appearance of the site, includes the preparation of project documentation, complex road works, cleaning the territory of debris after the end of the process, etc.

Based on the above, you can check the cost per m2 of asphalting with our specialists, who will competently draw up an estimate for the project according to your requirements and provide a price for asphalting, as well as accurately answer how much it costs to lay asphalt 1 m2!
Construction and reconstruction of roads
We carry out a full range of works on design, preparation of the territory, construction, reconstruction, overhaul, operation of roads, construction of artificial structures, bridges, overpasses, rain and storm sewers.
Professional specialists, innovative technologies, a modern laboratory, high-tech equipment and a fleet of vehicles, which includes more than 700 units of modern equipment, ensure the effective implementation of projects, from concept development and investment justification to the commissioning of a finished facility and subsequent maintenance
Capital and current repairs
Repair of roads consists of several types of work:
  • Current road repair includes works aimed at eliminating minor damage and deformations of the road surface and at preventing their further growth and deepening. During the current repair, local destruction of the road surface is eliminated: potholes are leveled, chipped edges are eliminated, ruts, individual cracks are repaired, etc.

  • Capital repair of roads includes a large list of works and is a complete restoration of all layers of the road surface, subgrade and structures included in the infrastructure of this road.
Mostovsky carries out the whole range of landscaping and landscaping of courtyards, parks and squares. We provide all our customers with two options for cooperation: use ready-made design developments that we have successfully implemented earlier or create an individual project that will not only take into account all the wishes and requirements of the client, but also optimize financial costs based on the allocated budget for these activities.

Pit development
One of the most important tasks in the process of erecting any building is the development of a foundation pit. A properly dug pit will be the key to successful construction, so qualified specialists and appropriate special equipment will be required to develop it.
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Benefits of working with us
  • High quality
    Many years of experience makes it possible to take on projects of any complexity.
  • Individual approach
    Each client is unique. We develop unique concepts for everyone.
  • Quarantee
    We work with all clients only officially and give guarantees for all types of work.
  • Professionals
    All members of our team have extensive experience in construction and design